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AR porn for everyone

Have you ever thought about how the disabled people experience porn? We usually take things for granted. Internet is full of porn of all different kinds and for most of us it’s just a matter of a few click and you can enjoy the view of your favorite pornstar being fucked the way you like it. What about those who have limited body movements? How can blind people ‘watch’ porn? Some time ago we’ve been introduced to the so-called ‘described cat’ in which scenes from porn videos would have a scripted voice-over. Well, that’s something but it’s very far from perfect. We also have sex toys that are meant to be used with VR technology and synchronize their movement with the movements in the scenes. It’s a great invention for those who can’t use their hands to masturbate. However, things can still be greatly improved. That’s where we need augmented reality.

There is a solution for the blind and visually impaired. It’s called OxSight Smart Specs. Those augmented reality goggles don’t actually make the blind people see in 5K Ultra HD. However, the built-in cameras plus computer vision algorithms process the visual imagery which allows to emphasize the contrast and enhance clarity. The blind and visually impaired people are able to recognize faces, the images around seem less blurry. The specs are not ideal but it’s a huge step forward. Those who had the chance to try OxSight goggles say they’re life-changing. We can’t wait for the commercial release!

The VR porn have made life so much more pleasurable already for disabled people. However, AR specs can amp up their sex lives even more. You don’t have to exit the world and enter the unknown virtual reality. Companies are making AR specs to be more comfortable and practical. They basically look almost like your regular pair of glasses. Thanks to augmented reality technology, it’s never been easier to experience porn. Everyone should have easy access to sex videos and it seems like in the near future everyone will have it!

Added on: 2018-04-06 09:55:02